医疗液压系统Hydraulic System for Medical

关于安诺捷 About anorge

高性能液压解决方案增强医疗设备安全性 High-Performing Hydraulic Solution, Enhance Medical
Device Safety

几十年来,安诺捷一直致力于设计坚固而创新的液压位置和运动控制产品系列,这些产品已成为当今一些最苛刻的医疗市场中手术台、病床和手术机器人的卓越黄金标准。For decades, Anorge has engineered a robust and innovative line of hydraulic position and motion control products that have become the gold standard in excellence for operation tables, hospital beds, and surgical robots in some of today’s most demanding medical markets.


我们的优势 Our Advantage​

安诺捷在运动控制系统方面的广博的知识、卓越的专业技能和不断的创新探索保证为您的医疗设备提供最佳的解决方案。Anorge’s broad know-how, exceptional expertise and continuous search for innovation in motion control systems guarantee you tothe best solution for your medical equipment.


经验 Experience

复杂的控制运动不断挑战我们。多年来,我们一直为医疗行业提供专用解决方案。Complex controlled motions constantly challenge us. We have been offering dedicated solutions for Medical industry for years.


创新 Innovate​

从概念到生产,我们的客户都是我们的合作伙伴。我们寻找市场机会并加以改进。From concept through production, our customers are our partners. We identify opportunities in the market and the improvements. 


制造 Manufacture

我们全面实施的精益运营和流程使我们能够满足客户的产品变化和生产计划。Our fully implemented Lean operations and processes allow us to meet our customers’ product variations and production schedules.


交付 deliver

世界一流的业绩记录:100% 按时、按规格完成。我们随时随地为客户提供优质产品和最佳价值。World-class track record: 100% on time and on specification.
We provide superior products and best value, anytime, anywhere.

使命宣言 Mission Statement​

先进的液压技术是我们的核心。作为一家家族企业,我们为现代生活提供助力,并向全球所有行业提供开创性的产品和服务。Advanced hydraulics is our core. As a family-owned business, we enable modern life and deliver pioneering products and services worldwide across all industries.

价格合理的高品质液压系统​High-quality hydraulic system at a reasonable cost​

对我们来说,液压是一种有价值的组件,有可能成为医疗解决方案的一部分。无论是高效的产品设计、能源效率还是物流流程优化,安诺捷的可持续发展方法都是多种多样的。我们必须跳出固有的思维模式,在所做的每一件事上都朝着正确的方向前进,无论是重大举措还是小步骤。For us, Anorge is a valuable component that has the potential to be part of the medical solution. Whether it’s efficient product design, energy efficiency, or logistics process optimization, Anorge’s sustainability approaches are diverse. We must think outside the box and move in the right direction in everything we do, whether with significant or many small steps.


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